Thursday, February 1

i love maximus

'Nuff said.


Kim said...

Those eyes are to die for. No wonder you miss him so much!

Anonymous said...

He is adorable!

Ashley A. said...

Max and I went to the audi dealership today to get a new battery. All of the New England 'nanas' there were going nuts over him. I thought he would be fussy because he missed his morning nap...nope- basking in the attenion.

sarah marie. said...

oh my gosh he is darling. and i love the name max.

Lorilee said...

I think he looks like Ashely. But then again.. I've never seen Ashley's husband. Who do you think he looks like?
He is the cutest thing... everything looks so soft.. the hair, the cheeks, the blue sleeper, the blanket he's laying on.