Monday, June 18

smell the roses

Have been a bit too busy to blog. But I did take the time to smell my grandma's roses yesterday, now in full bloom. I love that my mother transported the plant from her mother's house in Wyoming to her backyard in Salt Lake City so the buds would be well cared-for when the Wyo house was sold.

Aren't they gorgeous? And the sweetest shade of pink?


Lane said...

Nice to know I'm not the only sentimental one in the family--mom for taking the roses, you for noticing them.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had time to smell the roses and share this with us. Such a beautiful colour and a sense of the freshness of Summer.

jamieanne said...

I started out confused (Grandma's roses, what the? where are you?) but by the end I knew exactly where you were and could picture those roses in the backyard.

Lorilee said...

There is nothing Cody loves more than transplanting plants. Maybe him and Pam should get together.

Lacey Jane said...

Wondering where you've been! Hope you're not overwhelmingly swamped.

Beautiful pink!

allison said...

that's a very pretty rose, and a very pretty shade of pink.

grandma's roses are the best!

celeste said...

Roses are like family . . . they must be taken in a move.