Monday, June 30

andrew bush + envelopes

So this is the project I mentioned earlier, and which makes me wish I was Andrew Bush myself. I don't know that I've seen a series that speaks to me so directly.

There's a certain degree of trompe l'oeil going on, as each image was placed within its own frame, therefore looking like the envelope itself was framed, rather than a photo of it.

I totally want to do this with all my grandma's stuff and hang it on my walls. I'm way into family and personal histories, and this seems like the perfect way to showcase it. Now go look at the photos one by one. You can start here.



Amanda Conley said...

Love this. it's really interesting.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you posted this, I've never heard of A.B. before! I love his portraits whilst driving and the interiors of that Irish home. Thanks so much! Beautiful!

cevd said...

thank you for the intro to this amazing person andrew bush. i am having some serious career envy at the moment. i love, love, love this envelope series.

Jane Flanagan said...

This is funny timing - I was just going through the cards I've received recently and realised I love the envelopes even more than the cards.

The perfection of the design suddenly struck me, and of course penmanship and stamps and postal marks made me happy too.

Catherine said...

I love these they look amazing. I have always had a strange love for envelopes, always make my own. I love the idea of framing them and making them a piece of art in their own right. Brilliant idea.

Julie said...

oh my! very intriguing project, indeed.

Anonymous said...

this is so interesting and wonderful. i'm very glad you posted this!

Anonymous said...

So very beautiful, I love this idea!

Christy said...

You are developing in me a love of Andrew Bush. I spent about 35 minutes going through them one by one - just sucked me in.

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous! Thanks! I had to post about it on my blog too - credited you of course!