Monday, March 3

bubble umbrella

I've always wanted one of these but have yet to purchase one. I love its see-through clarity as well as its dome-style shape, ensuring absolute coverage without blocking my peripherals. (I have a hard enough time getting around in the rain, as it is.) I really could have used this one during Saturday's rain-turned-snow storm. And it's only $15.

There's also a stripey variety to choose from.



Catherine said...

I love love these umbrellas! It has been raining here for the past few days and one would be perfect, I love the way they wrap you in.

Joetta M. said...

I too was seduced by the loveliness of the design. adorable as it is- it has a draw back... because of the dome shape all the rain drips down on your feet and legs...
So though I still enjoy the charm of mine, I tend to grab my "duckie" stand by so my legs and shoes stay dry.

Love the quote from the book, makes me want to run out and but it:)

Tonia Conger said...

what a dreamy umbrella! I may have to copy you and get one. I think it would look just adorable with a red trench coat.

Ann Marie said...

I got one of these bubbles a year ago, and never regretted it. They truly keep you, your bag, your backpack, everthing dry! Definitely worth the purchase.

kami @ said...

I have loved that Umbrella, ever since I saw that cell phone commercial last year. It is so cute!:)

Anonymous said...

I have one of these umbrellas too. In the UK they're known as "Queen Mum" umbrellas because the Queen Mother always used this style...

Joanna Goddard said...

i have one and i love it! it makes it fun to walk around in the rain.

Brooke said...

I really like that umbrella and what a great price!

casey said...

i have been liking this, ever since i saw it on the target commercials... it is on my list!

Anonymous said...

My daughter purchased this exact umbrella as well as a yellow transparent one last year. She paid $17.99 for one and I believe $19.99 for the other. We've never used them since we always carry our tiny totes in are bags or leave them in the glove compartment of our cars.