Friday, September 12

new york (in a) minute

C has his hands full with boring stuff like studying and memorizing for the weekend, so I figured why not ditch the rainy weather in DC for the rainy weather in NYC? Especially when you can be there in a wee four-hour bus ride, complete with WiFi, with sister to greet me at the end of the line.

Any ideas for rainy day fun in NYC? I packed my brellie but definitely need to invest in some wellies.

Happy weekend, friends.



Ann Marie said...

Yay! So glad you're going to NYC. I'll be there in a few weeks...maybe you want to make another bus ride then? AND wellies have been my long time best'll love them forever if you invest!

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

Hey Ali, I think this is my first time commenting on this blog. I'm usually commenting on YHO.

Have you been to the Cloisters museum? It is grand. I spend half a day there and loved it. It's a branch of the Met and all about art and architecture in Mediieval Europe. It's on 193rd st. (yeah, way up there) but the M4 bus takes you right to the front steps.

If you want to see pictures--here's some i took (via cell phone) when I was there:

Have fun, I'm jealous. I miss NYC so much.

Laura said...

I second the Cloisters! One of my favorite places on earth.

Another favorite is the small Frick Museum off of Central Park.

Maeve said...

You have to go to Max Brenner and get their Chocolate Waffle. Amazing! Their hot chocolate is tasty too.

kami @ said...

So fun! I would go to Patsy's for lunch (best pizza) and then down the street to Dylan's Candy Bar.

ps. Dylan is Ralph Lauren's daughter
pps. Such a cute girl's name

Have a great weekend!

Lisa H. said...

i agree that the met is a great rainy day activity. gotta love the 4 hour bus ride - it's the same for us here in boston. and wifi too - pretty fancy!

Lacey Jane said...

Wish I could come with! Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit of a lurker (not sure how I originally found you) but I thought I would add my own two cents. The Cloisters is beautiful and there is a great little cafe up there you can add to the itinerary. Plus, as far as NYC museums go it is going to be less crowded on a rainy Saturday than the Met, MoMA, etc. Although I love MoMA and the Museum of Natural History. I also suggest (if you are dressed for it) taking a walk through Central Park. When I have proper rain gear I find it very soothing in the rain because no one else is there! I also recommend Norma's or Alice's Tea Cup for brunch and Vosges for an incredible hot chocolate/truffle break (in SoHo). Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

if you are so close we really should meet up sometime! I am in New York!!

I am excited to get you the posts

nicole hill gerulat said...

so jealous.. go eat at celeste on Amsterdam btwn 83rd and 84th (or 84th and 85th i can't remember)

cash only.. best fresh italian. local favorite... my one stop in the city.

have a great time!

Brittany said...

i love love love your blog and was excited to read you moved to virginia. i've been here about 2 weeks and love it! i'm curious which bus you took, was it the DC 2 NY upscale bus? how did you like it?

Catherine said...

New York in four hours, you are soooo lucky! Hope you had a brilliant time.

ali said...

Thank you for your suggestions, everyone. So far no rain(!) and I've been putzin' around my sister's neighborhood and getting to spend time with family. Which I miss like no other.

Brittany: I took the Washington Deluxe and it was really quite nice. I even had to use the bathroom and didn't die from it. Yay for complementary hand sanetizer! And the Internet worked great. $21 one way; $40 roundtrip.

ali said...

p.s. But you have to make a reservation online. Don't forget that, or you might get the boot.

Anonymous said...

Century 21, baby. Deals, deals, deals.

megan and melissa said...

Hey! I am green with envy at the thought of NYC- me and my sister have always wanted to get lost there. Have fun in the rain- weather like that is hard not to enjoy with a cute umbrella and sturdy wellies!
Have a good week!

Lane said...

This is my favorite post ever! :)

Please come see me anytime. Maybe next time I will have a couch for you.

Ella A. said...

Hello! Just found your blog and LOVE it! I will be a regular reader now, I love your images and of course the writing is wonderful too! I am so glad that I am a blogger, i am just amazed at all of the creativity that is out there!

Anonymous said...

So wonderful that NYC is just a bus ride away, have fun!