Sunday, January 16


pam day 1
pam day 3
pam day 4
pam day 2
pam day 5

I am a fairly firm believer that all it takes to make a good birthday party are:

1. sugar (cake)
2. balloons (just six will do)
3. glitz (sprinkles)
4. dumb fun (party hats)
5. an element of surprise (a personalized banner! An unexpected guest! Or just a really excited one ... like a four-year-old who can't help but stick his finger in the chocolate frosting 400 times.)

Celebrating with you was a treat, Pammaramama. We really lucked out with you.



Ana Degenaar said...

This looks so fun and cute!

Discovery Preschool said...

hello, i have never commented before, but I saw that cake and i am pregnant and now i really want to eat that cake:) would you be willing to divulge the recipe?? Thanks and i love your house!

Lacey Jane said...

Totally agree! The party is all about the company- looks fun!

ali said...

Thank you. This is not my home, but I like it too. It's also not my cake recipe (doesn't it look like a big donut?!) but I'll see if I can track it down.

Lane said...

Adorable! It makes me so happy to look at these pictures and think hey, these are my peeps. You guys know how to throw a party.

ps. In, every picture I've seen of O. in the last three weeks, he is toting a feline friend. It's extra funny because both have a reddish, unruly mane.

Ann Marie said...

i LOVE all these happy to at least get a glance of all of you on the blog...looks like your trip to ashley's was perfect.